Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May 14 continued

On the way to work, a slightly different route every day, W and I passed a bakery with chocolate-coated pastries of various kinds and I had to go back to get one after dropping by W´s office. It was a roll scrolled with dulce con leche and covered in dark chocolate. It was only okay.

Here, next to the botanic gardens, in the Plaza Italia, are several booksellers. Buenos Aireans must be intellectuals: I spotted Foucault´s Discipline and Punish right away and recognised names of famous Spanish and Argentinian authors. Maybe the low level political ferment here (W complains about the constant worker protests that block off streets but otherwise accomplish nothing) keeps lefty types reading Marxist philosophical political science. If so, viva la revolutionary tendencies!

I chatted, so to speak, with one of the booksellers, an old ruddy-faced man. He knew a few English words, I knew my few Spanish words, but we went okay. He told me, I think, that his little son isn´t learning English and that, in Spanish, adverbs and adjectives are in reverse order with nouns compared to English. This was accomplished with the example ´mujer bonita´.

Okay, I remembered some things. Now off to meet E. The sun has gone behind the clouds.

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