So, I left myself on the bus to Palomino. I had called N to let him know I was coming back and he said he´d meet me at the bus station. I seem to do a lot of waiting in Palomino, but at least N did come and get me.
I stayed that night with N and D. We sat around in N and D´s gazebo and I chatted, mostly with D, who spoke slow Spanish to me that I could mostly understand. I slept in a tent in their wood and palm-roofed kitchen, with only a blanket between me and the dirt. I was hoping to go for a mountain walk that N told me about in the morning but at around 8.30 in the morning I heard my phone ringing. N said it had been ringing since 6.30 and when I answered it was my Riohacha lover saying he has been in Palomino since 5.30am. Did he tell me he was coming? I wanted to stay with N, who I really like, who is educated and works to save the world, and speaks English.
I was flustered and embarrassed. I asked N if I should tell Jason that I would meet him later after our walk, but N said to go meet him now and we could walk in the afternoon. He wanted to read.
So I went to meet Jason, who was waiting for me with a friend, an older man. We walked to the beach, which turned out to be quite beautiful, with colder water than further up the coast and a little bit of surf too. Jason kept climbing up coconut trees and the men smashed them on rocks so we could all dribble coconut water into our mouths. Jason was all over me and the three of us swam. After a swim we continued walking along the beach towards the river, where it meets the sea. This was really lovely, cold, unsalty water. Jason walked me over to a deserted part of the river and we had sex in the water, generous, lingering sex.
But when we got back to our stuff I opened my bag to take a photo and my phone was gone. It was taken out of its rubber case, off my keyring, spirited away. So was 50 mil pesos. My wallet was neatly in my purse pocket where I leave it. Jason asked some kids who were playing around the area something I couldn´t understand, acting indignent. I said something to him about how I had been in Colombia for more than a month and had nothing bad happen to me when I was alone, and now with him I get something stolen. He and his friend were mostly silent on the walk back. I was morose. Sad mostly about losing all my photographs. At this point I blamed Jason and his friend for not taking care of me, but now I think the friend probably took my phone. They knew I had it, and they knew I had a 50 mil note as well. And N and D say that Palomino is a safe place.
When we got back to the main road of town, I had trouble leaving. I told Jason I was upset and wanted to go, but he kept grabbing me to his lap and kissing me, meanly. I think he´s a con artist. Who fucks a girl really well and then comes to another town to steal her phone? I can only figure it is about his power over me and as he was losing it he got a little mean, made a little fun of me for not understanding him. Finally, I said I was sorry that the morning had ended badly, but that I was very upset and needed to be alone, and I said goodbye and walked away from them.
So, fair punishment for sex that I should never have had? Punishment for not listening to my inner voice that said walk away from Jason? Punishment for my inability to say NO! I choose to see it this way. I´m not particularly upset, other than with myself. I figure if nothing else I have a good story (I tell it better than I have written it).
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